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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

9:15 PM Y

blardy pissed off
You'll never know the real me.

Besides saying im blardy pissed off, what the fuck, what the hell, heck off..@#$%^^ What more can i say???
Bloody pissing that stopid things happen to me one after another..im so blardy pissed off with this..Having helping this and that, and dragging wee down the water, the whole lot are back to square one...and seriously, what the hell??! Why must i bluff everybody else? Not like i dont lie, but it sounds super senseless to me :( im angry and pissed cos the dirty job was done...my whole point? Im not going to do this again, nor am i going to lie or what, nor am i going to let anyone eat this dead rat..Why are we dealing with your unhappiness?

Boring..i just want to grumble..to anyone possible...I guess im so affected by everything that i have to come home early, to prevent myself from affecting others :p so nice...

This stopid life needs some light...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

8:57 PM Y

Life is....
You'll never know the real me.

Japan was fun, very fun and i finally get to go overseas with fat ass and rong. Im happy, it was said and done :) and...it was my first trip ( excluding malacca) after i start work. I love the place and i will go back again, definitely.
Work life is difficult to explain. But liked my newfound friends.Even went drinking with them :)
Been involving wee with my friends and colleagues :)
But..i dont know why,haven get the chance for him to 'meet' my 10 years buddies..we haven ever go overseas yet, not even malaysia..oh well...always missed the chance..
I stepped on lemon...It was pissing me off...Terribly..
I dont like this...and it is super tiring...yawn, tmr is friday only...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

11:09 AM Y

Wee's soccer days
You'll never know the real me.

Serioulsy, how did someone take such a nice, precise shot?hahaahahahahaa..so i confirmed, wee only look nice when u cant see the face..whahahaahahahahahahahaahahaaaa

10:36 AM Y

So far quite good
You'll never know the real me.

Woohoo! Its been so long! Frantic weeks, trying to clear my work, prepare materials, be a low controller for an emergency exercise and celebrate my birthday! In short, i felt like a superwoman..ahahaha..
And i got myself a birthday trip to Japan!hoho..another 2 weeks to get out of office!Though im only in for like 7 months?really excited about the trip.hehe.
Wei! get me updated about the bintan thingy!
Wee got me a bag for prezzie and treated me to swiss cafe for dinner..hehe..Very nice food..Family birthday dinner at Cathay and a nice ice cream cake,plus i got some angbaos. Drove wee home after the Cathay dinner and yet he told my whole family i drive crazy taxi! Want to knock his head but spared him for the sake of my new bag..heh..Infact, i ate abit too much the past 3 weeks cos celebrations start as early as that..woohoo..
Seems like i did alot of things while im away from blogging. I went for a shortie trip to meleka too, so different from the boring town 12 years ago :)most importantly, wee paid the accomodation/paid for my office wear and my parents gave me the ringgets..ehe..Meaning, i only spent S$25 on a pair of heels cos they say cannnot buy shoes for gf..ahaha..
i met up with friends, i went to the Kangxi museum and finally played tennis again.In short, so far so good :p Want to get a new camera but still cant decide what to get and not sure it will burst my tiny pocket not..ahahahaa...
Oh yea, got so excited over wei's wedding plans during dinner yesterday..haha..And i totally forgot something,wei, if u happen to read this post, i think we should organise a hen party for u and get all ur girls there! plus plus, i will try my best to find ur little twinky!Okies, that will be mel and me wedding gift to u!hahahaaha..not forgetting mel can help u draw lots of twinky!hmm i wonder we get sponsored for our little pink dress?rest assured, we will definitely let nic eat wasabi..hohoho..
Bought alot of stuff lately, dresses, dresses and dresses...i love wearing dresses to work, nice and dunid to crack my head :) Having bad friends doesnt help, wallet damaged even after a short 1.5hrs shopping, Bimbo fen! surrender..ahahahaaa...
Gg rong's house to discuss out jap trip later..u see how busy i am, that i have to go out on my precious sundays now.. :)


Sunday, March 29, 2009

9:56 PM Y

You'll never know the real me.

Well well, i think it sucks to follow to your heart..For whatever reason, it was utterly disappointing...its getting depressive for me..and seriously, reality hurts like hell...not that i dont understand the intentions, just that its totally unfair, unjustified..im trying not to let it rule over me, but no matter what others say, it doesnt help at all..well, so be it...i will see how it goes, i will throw in the towel if thats the only way to make myself feel better..

Saturday, February 28, 2009

5:08 PM Y

You'll never know the real me.

Life is frustrating, to be exact, working life is frustrating.....
Then i cant help but rem how teachers used to treat me. And u know what, i will rem for life..Taking a back seat, i totally hate that...I just miss school life..You will never believe how much u miss school life till you realise how freaking disgusting working life can be :(

At least i got something i realli love yesterday :) and it might be too extravagant...but i tried it on twice and its really beautiful! i didnt think i will get it so soon after i start work though...and the promotion ends today, so swipe swipe and its mine! well, its my dad's card..ahahahhahahahahahaaa..My latest favourite. A nice watch :)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

9:25 PM Y

Recap for 2008!
You'll never know the real me.

Its been a meaningful, memorable and good year for me! And my new year resolution is a even better year!

Firstly, i managed to graduate!
Then i went for my dream holidays to Europe! It was a dream came true and all sponsored trip.Hehe, It was the first time i travel for so long, the first time i feel the air con in the air, the first time i saw snow, basically alot of first times :P Not only that, i got my first gucci bag there..ahahaha..And, finally, i got to see those picture perfect scenary with my own eyes :)
After that was my every own convocation, i guess my parents being waiting for that..aahahha..
And just when i thought im clueless about what job im landing, and my suayness in securing a job, i found my direction and im glad i didnt blindly followed my brain..
Well, guess wee more suay..aahahhaa...just like how he 'found' a job for me, i 'found' one for him! Guess we know what each other should do more than ourselves. And i truelly believe he will do well in this area.
Then i got my license.When my dad suggest i learn driving and he's paying, i start feeling like an adult..aahaha..And i start giving my parents and auntie allowance! Sign of a grown up..ahahahaha..Not forgetting my siblings, i too gave them, but only for the first month..hehehe..Im a poor working adult...
But at least, end 2008, i have more than 500 bucks in my bank..hohoho..and im not looking forward to every month's pay day because i have used up my money but because i can have more savings.How great, im not as mindless as i thought..

Wish everyone a good 2009!
Wei and mel, please rem our cruise trip...ahaha...

9:11 PM Y

You'll never know the real me.

Happy new year!!! Im finally back with some updates..ahaha..Being too busy doing other stuffs and looking at pc in office instead at home :) Since starting work, i have been busy counting my watermelons and apples :p all i can think of is how to save money and save more money..whahaa, and its now my lifetime goal..trying to save as much from my tiny sum of salary..whahahaa...so my new year wish is to win toto..ahhahaa...Im leading a super healthy lifestyle as i woke up at 650 every morning and sleeps around 10 at night..and finally, im eating breakfast :) and i cant live without it..hehehe...trying to curb my spending spree..wanted to get a gucci wallet but after i think and think, my sis went hk and got mi a coach short wallet..hehe, so i decided not to get 1, at the moment :0 im saving for my watch..whahahaa...or a bag..but not so soon..or perhaps by then, i will feel too much of a pinch to get 1..ehehe..

*ps mel, if u read this, where's ur blog address?or maybe wei can help me..ahahaa

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

7:52 PM Y

Mid week!
You'll never know the real me.

OO..The mid week is approaching again :) Very stressed about the lunch tmr, as much as i would like to concentrate on my garlic rice with chicken chop, i think its a slim chance. Shall take the morning tmr to do some reading..hoho..And im going on an 'excursion' on thurs :) This is a stressful week. Praying hard for all the luck :P
Rem the handbook? Boss say very cute but its not what he wants!!! I WAS STUNNED. I have done the EXTRA mile...hahahha..It was a training prog, not a handbook..I didnt misunderstand the instruction, we BOTH did. For a moment, i thought i was really blur and hard of hearing..But i manage to chun what boss wants before deadline..
I dont know whats wrong, but im seeking unwanted attention..ermz...
QUEST is gone case...i couldnt find anyting online and i dont know where to get the information..brrr...bad bad bad...

The WitnessY

there's nothing wrong with my name.
If you think you know me, read my blog and think again.
I'm imperfect and I'm Lovin' It.
I'm the only witness and the only person who can judge my life.
This is my blog so Click here if you hate it.

She pleadedY

A job."soon"
Go around the world." i went europe". "wishing for taiwan :)"
A driving license."in the midst of achieving"
A cruise trip, getaway to sunny beach."its raining too heavily nowadays"
The bag." currently my gucci is the bag"
Toto Money."i sensed it near"
Losing fats."very difficult but trying"
Play a game of tennis with a serve.
Nitendo."not neccessary"
Lots of clothes and shoes.hohoho

The verdictY

They pleaded him GUILTY.

Her thanksY

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